The Difference in My Life from ADHD Meds

Compiled and edited by Cynthia Hammer, MSW


·         Like putting glasses on my brain

·         Night and day for me

·         College GPA before 2.5; GPA after 4.0

·         For me….a resounding YES!

·         I need medication like I need to breathe. 

·         Massive.  I don’t hate myself anymore because I actually feel competent.

·         I don’t really notice when I have taken my meds, but I definitely notice when I haven’t.

·         Ummm YEAH lol.  No meds and I feel like I’m mentally wading through a swamp.

·         Huge.  It’s HUGE.

·         It is the difference between a dead-end job making $45K/yr and a career making $100K/yr.

·         Took a while to find the right one, but the benefits are clear and significant. 

Cynthia Hammer, MSW

Cynthia Hammer, MSW, was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD in 1992 when she was 49 years old. The following year she created the non-profit organization, ADD Resources, with a mission to educate adults and helping professionals about ADHD in adults. She ran the organization for 15 years before retiring.

During the Covid isolation she wrote a book about her life with inattentive ADHD which should be published by the end of this year. In writing the book, she was dismayed to learn that children with inattentive ADHD continue to be under-diagnosed and adults with inattentive ADHD often are incorrectly diagnosed with depression or anxiety.

She created a new non-profit in 2021, the Inattentive ADHD Coalition (, to create more awareness about inattentive ADHD and the need for early diagnosis and treatment.

All the Things I Hate About Having ADHD


The 8 Greatest Challenges for People with ADHD