When You Have ADHD the Opposite of Happiness Isn’t Sadness; It’s Boredom!
Strategies for Dealing with Boredom
The best strategy is to run away from boredom as often as the situation allows. Being bored makes us feel sluggish, dull, not alive so we need to avoid it whenever possible. Here are some ideas on how to beat the boredom blues:
Does Adult Onset ADHD Exist?
Lately, I have been hearing about “adult onset ADHD,” but I don’t believe it exists. The people I talk with who were diagnosed when adults, tell me they had ADHD as children, but no one noticed or recognized it.
Do You Have More Than Inattentive ADHD?
The ADDitude Symptom Checker will guide you through a series of questions based on your primary concerns, and then compare your responses to symptoms of more than a dozen common psychological and learning conditions.
Can I Expect My Child With ADHD to Have Self-Control?
Because my husband and I spent countless hours wondering if certain behaviors could be controlled by our son with Inattentive ADHD, I found this excerpt from an ADDitude magazine to be essential reading.
Untreated ADHD = Many Problems in Life
In my next several blogs I provide the findings from research about the various life domains where (untreated) ADHD usually causes significant problems in a person’s life…
Can We Trust the Research About ADHD?
It seems that the more I learn about ADHD the less confident I am about what I know! I tell people (because this is what Dr. Dodson wrote in an ADDitude article) that people with Inattentive ADHD often need less than the recommended dose of a medicine
An Awesome ADHD Elevator Speech
This is the best elevator speech about ADHD that I ever read or heard…
Which Label Do You Prefer?
To those who have children that are neurodivergent and say they "don't want to limit them by putting labels on them….